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Elephant Man Han Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd.

Tel: 0574-89503810

Mobile phone: 13566645242

Fax: 0574-89503810

Zip Code: 315700

E-mail: hgw13566@126.com

Address: Dan Xiangshan County Rd West Valley City Industrial Zone No. 315

Company Homepage: http: //www.kankan370.com

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Fermenter breathing valve

Position: Home > Products > Breathing valve > Fermenter breathing valve

Fermenter breathing valve

Classification:Breathing valve


Tips: Main products: [] stainless steel fermentation tank fermentor breathing valve breathing valve, Elephant Man Han Fluid Equipment Co., Ltd. has a complete and scientific quality management system. The Company in good faith, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. Welcome friends to visit, guidance and business negotiation.

Fermenter breathing valve details:
Medium temperature: 100 (℃)
Working pressure: 0.2
Material: Stainless Steel
Brand: Wen Han
Connection: Thread
Type (channel position): straight-through
Flow direction: one-way
Drive: Pulse
Purpose: Breathing
Suitable medium: water
Pressure environment: High
Valve opening height: safety valve

Fermenter breathing valve selection:
1, the requirements for the installation location and temperature range requirements, it should be used as a cold-weather regions breathing valve (fermenter breathing valve), and should be installed in the pipe pipeline breathing valve selection.
2, the control valve pressure mechanical ventilation should be related to the ability to adapt to the pressure.
3, mechanical breathing valve (fermenter breathing valve) specifications (flange diameter) should meet the maximum out of the oil tank breathing gas flow requirements.

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Wenhan fluid equipment

Address: China Dan City Industrial Zone, Xiangshan County, West Valley Lake Road No. 315

Tel: 0574-89503810 Phone: 13566645242 Fax:0574-89503810



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